November 2024
- Live career mentoring session is scheduled for 10th November 2024 at the PREF branch office, Prayagraj. PREF scholars (batch 2024) and their parents are invited to join this session at their scheduled time.
October 2024
- We have completed 14 Spoken English sessions with Batch 2024-25.
- The second one-on-one career counselling session was held from 23rd to 25th October 2024.
September 2024
- An orientation program was organized on 1st September 2024 for 20 selected students for the PREF Merit Scholarship 2024.
- The first one-on-one career counselling session was organized online on 26th and 27th September 2024.
- A group career awareness session was held on 30th September 2024.
January 2024:
Spoken English sessions, learning, and activities:
- In a total of 40 spoken English classes, students learned sentence framing, correct grammar use and pronunciation, picture description, monologue, storytelling and writing, and one-on-one spoken practice in their day-to-day conversations.
PREF internal test
- PREF conducted an internal test to assess students’ performance and identify the subjects that would work better.
December 2023:
- Dated December 3, 2023: LIVE Career Awareness Session and Career Counseling in Hotel Ajay International, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh.
- A PREF-student feedback meeting with the last four batches was conducted to analyze the impact of the PREF program.
November 2023:
- A personality development session on the topic ‘Self-awareness and Empathy was conducted on November 3, 2023.
- One-on-one Career counselling conducted on 8th and 9th November 2023.
October 2023: API Psychometric Assessment Test, dated October 23, 2023.
- The API (Aptitude, Personality, and Intelligence) test was conducted, analyzed, and a report was shared with students.
October 2023: Orientation of PREF Scholars Batch 2023–24 on October 12–13, 2023.
- Students were introduced to the PREF scholarship program. Information was shared regarding scholarship terms, conditions, and PREF policies.
- Tablets were provided to attend online spoken English classes, personality development, career awareness, and career counseling sessions.
October 2023: Book and Certificate Distribution.
- All students who appeared in the interview were awarded a certificate of appreciation and self-help books.
September 2023: List of shortlisted students for the PREF Scholarship 2023.
- 21 top-performing students shortlisted and offered a scholarship program.
- List prepared, aggregating students’ scores in the PREF written test, interview, and SRT.
September 2023: PREF scholarship interview and SRT:
- The merit-holder top 76 students were called for the interview round organized on September 13–15, 2023.
- A situation-based test was taken to check the decision-making and problem-solving skills of the students.
August 2023: PREF Scholarship Entrance Test
- Admit cards were released and distributed a week before the examination, i.e., from August 17 to August 20, 2023.
- A CBT-based online PREF scholarship test was conducted on August 27 and 28, 2023.
- A total of 413 students participated in this test.
July 2023: Application for the PREF scholarship examination
- The online application form for the PREF scholarship test was open from July 16th, 2023, to August 10th, 2023.
- Offline forms were shared with the principles of participating schools and colleges.
August 2023: One-Day Principle-Teacher Training Workshop
- On August 13, 2023, PREF organized a principle teacher workshop on ‘New Education Policy 2020’.
- A total of 45 principals and teachers from 16 different schools in Prayagraj district, Uttar Pradesh, attended and benefited from this workshop.
June 2023: PREF Old Student Meet.
- A get-together program was organized on June 12, 2023.
- Around 50 students from our last batch, 2012–2022 were present in this session.
- Fun activities, games, and knowledge sharing were the key highlights of the program.
- ‘Career Awareness Workshop’ organized through PREF APP for class 12 scholars on CUET process
- Online ‘Personality Development (PD) Workshop’ organized on Emotional Intelligence discussing different emotions – activities on identifying right ways of expressing emotions and discussion on various ways to manage emotions
- ‘One to one career counselling’ sessions were organized through PREF APP for PREF scholars to discuss on preparation for national and state level entrance examinations such as JEE, NEET and also Check progress for Board examination and address obstacles for improvement.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes were organized for PREF scholars to focus on Conversation regarding different situations and guiding students to preparation for interviews.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes were organized for PREF scholars to focus on essay writing, Idioms and their usage.
- ‘One to one career counselling’ sessions were organized through PREF APP for PREF scholars to discuss on employability, selection rate in competitive exams such as UPSC and the efforts required to clear the examination. Students were also asked to check the application costs/fees for admission in the colleges.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes were organized for PREF scholars to focus on essay writing, describing likes and dislikes and quiz on difficult words
- Online ‘Personality Development (PD) Workshop’ organized on ‘Self awareness and empathy” for PREF scholars
- ‘One to one career counselling’ session organized through PREF APP for PREF scholars to discuss on undergraduate courses and admission process.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes were organized for PREF scholars focused on making Sentences, Video description and grammar.
- ‘Second Internal Assessment’ held for PREF scholars at Prayagraj
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for PREF scholars on PCM, PCB, Humanities and Commerce students for preparation of their UP board Examination
- Online ‘Personality Development (PD) Workshop’ organized on ‘Emotional intelligence’ for students of class 11.
- ‘One to one career counselling’ session organized through PREF APP for class 11 scholars, to discuss on undergraduate courses.
- ‘Career Awareness Workshop’ organized through PREF APP for class 11 scholars on Education loan.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes were organized for class 11th focused on tenses and phrases.
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for class 11 on PCM, PCB, Humanities and Commerce students for preparation of their UP board Examination
- Online ‘Personality Development (PD) Workshop’ organized on ‘Emotional intelligence’ for students of class 11.
- ‘One to one career counselling’ session organized through PREF APP for class 11 scholars, to discuss on individual’s aptitude report.
- ‘Career Awareness Workshop’ organized through PREF APP for class 11 scholars on How to plan career and college in next two years.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes were organized for class 11th focused on making Sentences, Video description and grammar.
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for class 11 on PCM, PCB, Humanities and Commerce students for preparation of their UP board Examination
- 20 students of class 11 for academic year 2022-2024 appeared for ‘Psychometric Test’ at Prayagraj to assess his/her preference & aptitude for
selection of career.
- First Internal Assessment held for class 11 at Prayagraj
- Second Internal Assessment held for class 12 at Prayagraj
- ‘Orientation session’ conducted with selected students and their parents under the PREF Merit scholarship programmes selection at Prayagraj. Parents and students were apprized about the activities which will help in academic improvement and personality development of the students.
- 20 students of class 11th for Academic Year 2022-24 selected for ‘PREF Merit Scholarship’ from Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh.
- ‘Books gifted’ to all students appearing for PREF Merit Scholarship Examination selection interviews.
- ‘Interview session’ conducted through video conferencing with 3 panelists comprising of Counsellors from Delhi.
- ‘Participation certificates’ was provided to all candidates appearing for PREF Merit Scholarship Examination selection test
- Online ‘Written Examination’ conducted for the selection of students for PREF Merit Scholarship programme.
- ‘Principal and Teachers Training workshop’ was conducted by Pradeep Richa Educare Foundation in Prayagraj. The “Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in Learning, Effective teaching learning process & Leadership “ was conducted with school leaders of 14 Schools of UP Board 42 teachers participated.
- ‘One to one career counselling’ session was organized for class 12 scholars. This session focused on all the necessary information regarding the form fill-up of the entrance examinations.
- Online ‘Personality Development (PD) Workshop’ organized for classes 12 on how do you change perception of failure.
- Selection of new batch of PREF Merit Scholarship’2022 begins.
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for class 12 on Hindi, English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology for preparation of Examination
- ‘One to one career counselling’ session was organized for class 12 scholars. This session focused on-
➢ Creating an entrance calendar for college admission
➢ How to evaluate ways to meet the financial deficit and find alternative affordable courses
- Online ‘Personality Development (PD) Workshop’ organized on ‘Study Skill’ for students of class 12.
- PREF ‘Students Committee Meeting’ conducted for discussion on how to provide career and professional guidance to junior students. Several committees have been formed keeping in mind the questions/field of junior students.
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for class 12 on Hindi, English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology for preparation of Examination
- ‘Group Awareness Session’ has been organized for class 12 on education loan and its application process to clear their doubts.
- ‘One to one career counselling’ session was organized for class 12 scholars for given advices to improve different subject areas in variety of topics, keeping in mind preparation of board examination and also discussing about the time management and their personal challenges.
- ‘Basic Computer Course’ with certificates was organised for class 12.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes were organized for 12th standard students focused on Future Continuous Tense Worksheet, Debate & Odd word out exercise.
- 1st ‘Internal Assessment’ held for class 12 at Prayagraj.
- ‘Students Meet’ was organized in Prayagraj with the purpose of connecting students with each other and sharing experience.
- Online ‘Personality Development (PD) Workshop’ organized on ‘Emotional intelligence’ for students of class 12.
- ‘One to one career counselling’ session was organized through PREF APP for class 12 scholars. Students were informed about various entrance examinations & the universities and how to apply & prepare for it.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes were organized for 11th standard students focused on grammar based worksheet & debate.
- ‘2nd Internal Assessment’ held for class 11 at Prayagraj.
- 2 meritorious students selected for ‘P.N. Misra Post-Graduation Merit Scholarship’ for Post-Graduation in Mathematics M.Sc. of University of Allahabad.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes were organized for class 11th focused on grammar based worksheet, paragraph writing and creating question from answers.
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for class 11 on PCM, PCB, Humanities and Commerce students for preparation of their Examination.
- One to one career counselling’ session organized through PREF APP for class 11 scholars, where activities were taken up for the individual career roadmap finalization.
- ‘Group Awareness ‘session organized through PREF APP for class 11 scholars, to clear (students) their queries about career options and its scope.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes were organized for class 11th focused on grammar based worksheet, paragraph writing and creating question from answers.
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for class 11 on PCM, PCB, Humanities and Commerce students for preparation of their UP board Examination.
- ‘One to one career counselling’ session organized through PREF APP for class 11 scholars, to discuss on career options and its scope of work in the job market.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes were organized for class 11th focused on making Sentences, Monologue competition and grammar.
- Selection process has begun for ‘P.N. Misra Post-Graduation Merit Scholarship’ in Mathematics M.A & M.Sc. of University of Allahabad.
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for class 11 on Physics, Chemistry, Economics & Business Study for preparation of UP board Examination.
- ‘Group Awareness’ (Career counselling) session organized through PREF APP for class 11 scholars, discussed on different career options and their scope of work in the job market.
- 2 meritorious students of class 9th and 11th each of M.P. Intercollege in Bampur Village in Prayagraj district have been selected for ‘P.N Misra & Gyanwati Misra Merit Scholarship’.
- ‘1st Internal Assessment’ held for class 12 at Prayagraj.
- 18 students of class 11th for academic year 2021-23 selected for ‘PREF Merit Scholarship’ from Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh.
- ‘Books gifted’ to all students appearing for interview.
- ‘Participation certificates’ was provided to all candidates.
- ‘Interview session’ conducted through video conferencing with 3 panelists comprising of Counsellors from Delhi.
- Online ‘Written Examination’ conducted for the selection of students for PREF Merit Scholarship programme from 3rd October to 5th October’ 2021.
- Selection of new batch of PREF Merit Scholarship’2021 begin
- Selection of new batch of ‘P.N Misra & Gyanwati Misra Merit Scholarship’ 2021 begins for meritorious students from classes 9th to 12th each of M.P.
Intercollege in Bampur Village in Prayagraj district.
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for class 12 on Mathematics, Chemistry & Physics for preparation of Examination.
- Online ‘Spoken English’ classes organized for class 12 for learn English language for selected scholars focused on Vocabulary & Speaking Practice exercise to improve their language & communication skill in an easy manner.
- ‘Alumni mentoring’ session was conducted for sharing educational and professional experiences of senior PREF scholars and to provide career and professional guidance.
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for class 12 on English and Mathematics for preparation of Examination.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes organized through PREF App for class 12 involving picture description and story telling competition on real life situation.
- ‘Mentoring session’ was conducted to guide students to search information on internet which will help them in their future career. This includes
✓ Research & development: Related to students choice of career & to keep in touch with the latest development in
✓ Education and self-improvement through On-line courses and workshops.
✓ Electronic newspapers and magazines: To keep oneself updated
✓ Searching free resume templates
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for class 12 on Hindi, English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology for preparation of Examination.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes organized through PREF App for class 12 involving role Play & group discussions on real life situation.
- ‘Mentoring Session’ held on topic related to utilization of social media for job search and skills relevant to various careers.
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for class 12 on Hindi, English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology for preparation of Examination.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes organized through PREF App for class 12 involving role Play & group discussions on real life situation.
- PREF organized ‘Mentoring Session’ through PREF APP for class 12 scholars’ on understanding the financial aspects involved in higher studies.
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for class 12 on Hindi, English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology for preparation of Examination.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes were organized for class 12 to learn English language for selected scholars focused on Speaking Practice exercise through humorous story-telling competition to improve their language & communication skills in an easy manner.
- PREF organized ‘Mentoring Session’ through PREF APP for class 12 scholars’ on New Age Career.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes were organized for class 12 to learn English language for selected scholars focused on Speaking Practice exercise through humorous story-telling competition and picture description to improve their language & communication skills in an easy manner.
- ‘Second Internal Assessment’ held for class 11 at Allahabad.
- ‘Mentoring Session’ organized through PREF APP for class 11 scholars, focussed on the psychometric test report and career.
- ‘Tutorial Class’ held for class 11 on Hindi, English, Physics, Mathematics & Biology for preparation of Examination.
- Online ‘Spoken English’ classes organized with focus on Group Discussion and grammar.
- 2 meritorious students selected for ‘P.N. Misra Post-Graduation Merit Scholarship’ for Post-Graduation in Mathematics M.A & M.Sc. of University of Allahabad.
- 19 students of class 11 for academic year 2020-2022 appeared for online ‘Psychometric Test’ to assess his/her preference & aptitude for selection of career.
- Online ‘First Internal Assessment’ through PREF APP held for class 11.
- Tutorial Classes’ are being held for class 11 every Sunday to help them to gain a deep understanding of the subject matter and help them to prepare for board examinations.
- ‘Mentoring Session’ was organized through PREF APP for class 11 scholars.
- Online ‘Spoken English’ classes organized for class 11 for learn English language for selected scholars focused on Vocabulary & Speaking Practice exercise to improve their language & communication skill in an easy manner..
• ‘PREF App’ has been launched
• PREF organized online ‘Teacher’s training session’ on ‘how to use the PREF APP’
• To continue with the scholarship programmes during the times of social distancing Tablets have been distributed to all selected students of PREF under PREF Merit Scholarship and ‘P.N Misra & Gyanwati Misra Merit Scholarship’.
• 2 meritorious students of class 9th and 11th each of M.P. Intercollege in Bampur Village in Prayagraj district have been selected for ‘P.N Misra & Gyanwati Misra Merit Scholarship’.
• Online ‘Spoken English’ class begins for class 11.
- To continue with the scholarship programmes during the times of social distancing Tablets have been distributed to all selected students of PREF under PREF Merit Scholarship.
- Students have been connected to e-learning courses through the tablet which are free of cost for them.
- All sessions are being held through video conferencing.
- ‘Tutorial Classes’ are being held for class 12 every Sunday to help them to gain a deep understanding of the subject matter and help them to prepare for board examinations.
- ‘Spoken English’ classes organized for class 12 for learn English language for selected scholars.
- ‘Mentoring Session’through webinar to understand important elements involved in career choices, understands challenges, dreams and inhibitions.
Selection of new batch of PREF Merit Scholarship’2020 begins
‘Mentoring Session’ was organized through webinar for class 11 scholars. There was a detailed discussion on the Career Interest Report generated on the basis of the student’s choice .Their interests were figured out alongwith the future prospects of every student and Segments of psychometry report were also discussed in the session.
- ‘Mentoring Session’ organized through webinar for class 11 scholars. The findings of the psychometric report and student’s dream career were discussed in the session.
- ‘Second Internal Assessment’ held for class 11 at Allahabad.
- ‘Students-Teachers’ discussion session on all subjects was organised at our Allahabad office with Std 11 scholars related to assessment result.
- Spoken English’ classes through webinar for class 11 involving role Play & group discussions on real life situation.
- ‘Mentoring Session’ through webinar to understand important elements involved in career choices, understand challenges, dreams and inhibitions.
- ‘Tutorial Classes’ were held in education, chemistry, math & civics.